Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Good Zeno Hot Spot Review

Every once in awhile I see a commercial for a new product that makes me go: WOW... does that thing really work?? Recently the commercial for the Zeno Hot Spot "zit zapper" elicited that exact response. The little electronic device just looks really, really cool... and incredibly useful for those times when you need to get rid of a pimple in the best and fastest way possible. Find out if the Zeno really works by reading this helpful review...

Does Zeno Work? An Honest Review

In this article I'm going to give you an answer on your question: Does Zeno Work? First of all, I'm going to discuss on what Zeno actually is, how it is built, and why its makers claim that it will help you in your acne treatment.

The aesthetics of the Device

Zeno is aesthetically perfect. You have probably seen one. Yes, it looks marvelous. In fact, it comes with flashy LED lights and nifty sounds which tell you when to replace the batteries. Not only that, it even tells you when the acne treatment is over. But you're not here for the looks, are you? You're here to find out if Zeno actually works or not.

What Zeno is, and what it is not

First of all, what is Zeno? Well, in its core, Zeno is nothing more than a glorified heat treatment method for your acne problems. You can probably get the same results by using water and hot rags.

How does acne heat treatment actually work, and how does Zeno do it? It's very simple actually. Zeno concentrates the heat on your pimple and therefore destroys the bacteria inside of it, not permitting the zit even to emerge. The pimple actually self-destructs, heals from the inside and stops the chance of infection, which in turn gives the skin some time to revitalize.

Now, you might be afraid of the heat level. Don't worry tough, the heat level of the Zeno Zapper is nothing to be afraid of.

It's very important to mention that Zeno is not built for destroying acne. No, I'd rather call it an "early acne prevention tool". That's why some people believe it does not work. It works, but it works by stopping the infection and destroying the pimple in its early stages. If your face is full of acne, you won't get rid of them by using the Zeno Zit Zapper, that you can be sure of. The device is primarily built for getting rid of blemishes.

Not a long-term Skin Care Solution

What Zeno does not provide you with is a long-term skin care solution. No matter how many times you use it, it will never be able to solve your core acne problems. If you like temporary solutions, this device might actually help you. It will get rid of your acne in the early stages. But as I have mentioned before, don't even think about Zeno as a long term acne solution.

To illustrate this even better, let's compare Zeno to pharmaceutical companies. They're trying to sell you products which work, but only for a few days. How many times have you bought a magical bottle which promises to solve your acne problems for good? Now, let me ask you this: how many times did it actually work? It's the same with Zeno the Zit Zapper. Yes, you will get rid of that nasty pimple, but what will stop it from emerging again some time in the future? Nothing.

Conclusion and a verdict

Our question was: Does Zeno work? I will give you 2 answers to this question. If you're in for some temporary solutions which won't solve your acne issues long-term, then yes, Zeno does work. It works very well actually. You just destroy the acne bacteria with heat, and stop the infection. However, if your face is full of acne, what you need is a long term acne treatment plan. Zeno simply does not do that.

If you are looking for a long-term, natural way to get rid of acne, read my review on the the only ebook which I believe will help you solve your acne issues for good. Just go to

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